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Zeile 798: Zeile 798:
==Birgitta Jónsdóttir==
==Birgitta Jónsdóttir==
However, '''people should not allow themselves to believe that we are going to save them'''. They are going to save themselves, and we’ll give them the tools to do it. We want to look for the wisdom of the masses. No one person is going to get us out of this mess we’re in… both as Icelanders and as a human species. It’ll happen through collective effort.
“However, people should not allow themselves to believe that we are going to save them. They are going to save themselves, and we’ll give them the tools to do it. We want to look for the wisdom of the masses. No one person is going to get us out of this mess we’re in… both as Icelanders and as a human species. It’ll happen through collective effort.”
We want to be the Robin Hood of governments, transferring the power from those at the top to the general public of Iceland.
The Icelandic Pirate Party will not be able to solve all of the ingrown problems in Iceland but it will certainly be able to offer new hardware, complete with a new set of rules based on how we operate as a collective community.
The Icelandic Pirate Party will not be able to solve all of the ingrown problems in Iceland but it will certainly be able to offer new hardware, complete with a new set of rules based on how we operate as a collective community.
'''We want to be the Robin Hood of governments''', transferring the power from those at the top to the general public of Iceland.
To come to the best decision, you have to access the greatest minds. The internet makes this possible.
To come to the best decision, you have to '''access the greatest minds'''. The internet makes this possible.
'''I want to be the mosquito in the tent''', so they cannot get any sleep.
I want to be the mosquito in the tent, so they cannot get any sleep.

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