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Articles 12-14 shall not affect the possibility for a court or administrative authority, in accordance with Member States' legal systems, of requiring the service provider to prevent "an infringement". It is unclear what is meant by "an infringement". Apparenty the legislator is referring to a specific infringement and not to any infringement of a kind. But what means can the provider be required to employ to "prevent an infringement"? Can ineffective measures be required that can easily be circumvented?  
Articles 12-14 shall not affect the possibility for a court or administrative authority, in accordance with Member States' legal systems, of requiring the service provider to prevent "an infringement". It is unclear what is meant by "an infringement". Apparenty the legislator is referring to a specific infringement and not to any infringement of a kind. But what means can the provider be required to employ to "prevent an infringement"? Can ineffective measures be required that can easily be circumvented?  
Article 15 does not prevent Member States from imposing a monitoring obligation on service providers "in a specific case" or "to apply duties of care [...] in order to detect and prevent certain types of illegal activities". It is unclear what is meant by a "specific case" and by "certain types of illegal activities". How "specific" does a monitoring duty need to be? Can it extend to all users, to all content and to all the time without becoming a "general obligation"? It is also unclear what means the provider can be required to employ in order to "detect and prevent certain types of illegal activities". Can ineffective measures be required that can easily be circumvented? Can measures be required that have severe side-effects on legal use and user rights to privacy and free speech? Can measures be required that are unthinkable for similar off-line services, simply because they are technically feasible on-line?
Article 15 does not prevent Member States from imposing a monitoring obligation on service providers "in a specific case" or "to apply duties of care [...] in order to detect and prevent certain types of illegal activities". It is unclear what is meant by a "specific case" and by "certain types of illegal activities". How "specific" does a monitoring duty need to be? Can it extend to all users, to all content and to all the time without becoming a "general obligation"? It is also unclear what means the provider can be required to "detect and prevent certain types of illegal activities". Can ineffective measures be required that can easily be circumvented? Can measures be required that have severe side-effects on legal users and their rights to privacy and free speech? Can measures be required that are unthinkable for similar off-line services, simply because they are technically feasible on-line?
All in all the idea of private policing and infringement detection should be abandoned as explained above.
All in all the idea of private policing and infringement detection should be given up as explained above.
==Question 53==
==Question 53==

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