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Zeile 61: Zeile 61:
==Internet anonymity and privacy==
==Internet anonymity and privacy==
On the Internet our every action can be tracked easily and comprehensively. Also information that was collected on the Internet is routinely lost or stolen. This situation has caused many potential users to refrain from using information society services, or even from using the Internet. For example a German poll found earlier this year that 50% of the polled have "often" refrained from on-line orders because they did not want to provide personal information that was required.<ref>Allensbach study in August of 2010,</ref> Even 40% of the 19 to 29 year olds confirm this. 18% even say they never order anything on the Internet because they do not want to provide personal information. 12% of the 19 to 29 year olds confirmed this.
On the Internet our every action can be tracked easily and comprehensively. Also information that was collected on the Internet is routinely lost or stolen. This situation has caused many potential users to refrain from using information society services, or even from using the Internet.  
The collection of unnecessary personal information on the Internet thus constitutes an obstacle to economic development and employment in Europe. Looking for short-term profits, companies are often ignoring that their user screening practises are eroding consumer trust and the basis of their long-term success. Internet services could be provided with little or no personal data needing to be disclosed. For example anonymous payment can be made on-line by using pre-paid micropayment cards.
For example a German poll found that 50% of the polled have "often" refrained from on-line orders because they did not want to provide personal information that was required.<ref>Allensbach study in August of 2010,</ref> Even 40% of the 19 to 29 year olds confirm this. 18% even say they never order anything on the Internet because they do not want to provide personal information. 12% of the 19 to 29 year olds confirmed this.
The collection of unnecessary personal information on the Internet thus constitutes an obstacle to economic development and employment in Europe. Looking for short-term profits, companies are ignoring that their user screening practises are eroding consumer trust and the basis of the long-term success of e-commerce.
For those reasons it is necessary to establish strict sector-specific privacy rules for information society services:
For those reasons it is necessary to establish strict sector-specific privacy rules for information society services:
#The provider of an information society service shall offer the user anonymous use and payment of information society services to the extent technically feasible and reasonable. The provider shall offer the user anonymous use and payment of its services in particular where services of this kind are already being offered anonymously by competitors. The user shall be informed about these options.  
#The provider of an information society service shall offer the user anonymous use and payment of information society services to the extent technically feasible and reasonable. The provider shall offer the user anonymous use and payment of teleservices in particular where services of this kind are already being offered anonymously by competitors. The user shall be informed about these options.  
#The provider of an information society service may collect, process and use personal data concerning the use of of an information society services only to the extent necessary to enable the user to use the information society service (transactional data) or to charge the user for the use of the information society service.
#The provider of an information society service may collect, process and use personal data concerning the use of of an information society services only to the extent necessary to enable the user to use the information society service (transactional data) or to charge the user for the use of the information society service.
#The provider shall ensure that personal data generated in connection with the process of using information society services are erased or rendered anonymous as soon as possible, at the latest upon the end of each utilization, unless further storage is required for billing purposes.
#The provider shall ensure that personal data generated in connection with the process of using information society services are erased or rendered anonymous as soon as possible, at the latest upon the end of each utilization, unless further storage is required for billing purposes.

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