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After an initial nasal reconstruction, the patients can undergo a cosmetic rhinoplasty or any laser treatment in order to improve the visual appearance of the nose (this can be done typically after one year of initial nasal reconstruction). Dr. Sam Rizk uses microdermabrasion process, a fractionated CO2 laser, or a combination of both in order to improve the visible scars after a nasal reconstruction or nose cancer removal.
After an initial nasal reconstruction, the patients can undergo a cosmetic rhinoplasty or any laser treatment in order to improve the visual appearance of the nose (this can be done typically after one year of initial nasal reconstruction). Dr. Sam Rizk uses microdermabrasion process, a fractionated CO2 laser, or a combination of both in order to improve the visible scars after a nasal reconstruction or nose cancer removal.
The cosmetic [ rinoplastia Sao Paulo] typically involves thinning out or debulking the thicker tissue which was transferred into the patient’s nose from the surrounding tissue. The particular skin/tissue is quite thicker than the normal nasal skin. Thus it can create some asymmetry. Also, it is difficult, risky, and pretty complicated process to debulk such tissue (formed right after an initial cancer reconstruction process) since it may compromise the regular blood supply to the nose.
The cosmetic [ rinoplastia Sao Paulo typically involves thinning out or debulking the thicker tissue which was transferred into the patient’s nose from the surrounding tissue. The particular skin/tissue is quite thicker than the normal nasal skin. Thus it can create some asymmetry. Also, it is difficult, risky, and pretty complicated process to debulk such tissue (formed right after an initial cancer reconstruction process) since it may compromise the regular blood supply to the nose.
Sometimes, few additional intranasal functional surgeries may also need to be performed to remove a scar tissue/bulky tissue that is blocking the patient’s breathing. In such critical and emergency situations and to improve the victim’s quality of life, the scar removal procedure can be preponed (performed sooner than one year) once a scar tissue or an internal deformity is visible.
Sometimes, few additional intranasal functional surgeries may also need to be performed to remove a scar tissue/bulky tissue that is blocking the patient’s breathing. In such critical and emergency situations and to improve the victim’s quality of life, the scar removal procedure can be preponed (performed sooner than one year) once a scar tissue or an internal deformity is visible.

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