
Version vom 18. April 2012, 09:31 Uhr von (Diskussion) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „== Democracy == • "America will be the epitome of democracy, the ideal kind of government the world has ever identified. The globe envies our style of gov…“)
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• "America will be the epitome of democracy, the ideal kind of government the world has ever identified. The globe envies our style of government by the individuals." • "America could be the freest nation on Earth." • "In America we have something called freedom which those in other countries do not have and wish they did." • "It's a cost-free country." • "Everyone in the rest of the globe dreams of coming to America."

These cherished fanatical beliefs of America and its propagandists have no actual basis truly or reality, still they are chanted by numerous Americans, their media and education method as a religion and set of Gospel truths that are universally agreed upon and unquestionable. Thus they are the antithesis to a free-thinking and fact-seeking mind.

one) "America could be the epitome of freedom and democracy for the world to emulate. It is the most desirable sort of government by the individuals that the world envies."

We will uncover into freedom later, on the other hand for right now, let's address the democracy concern. Technically, a democracy is defined as a "rule by the majority". Hollywood, the media and our education system all chant that America will be the epitome of democracy as even though it had been a Gospel Truth which is universally agreed upon (on the other hand it is not by far). It is so ingrained in our culture that countless never dare to question it.

The founding fathers by no means intended America to be a democracy and truly didn't even think in 1. Most Americans could be shocked to learn this. Anyone who casually researches the American type of government and its founding at the late 18th Century will see that technically, America was not set up as a democracy still as a Constitutional Republic.

In fact, there's no mention of the word "democracy" at the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution. Even the Pledge of Allegiance cited by school youngsters mentions that America is actually a Republic:

"I pledge allegiance towards the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, 1 nation below God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

The founding fathers were intellectual elites who knew their history. They knew that a democracy was unsustainable, for it was in essence a rule by a lawless mob. The basic flaw in a democracy is that the majority is unrestrained.