
Version vom 5. Juni 2015, 23:50 Uhr von Marinqbhm (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Random employee drug tests are extremely common in today’s workplace. In fact most employers require that the majority of their employees agree to random drug testing that can be conducted anytime during their term of employment.)
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Random employee drug tests are usually common in today’s workplace. In fact most employers require that most of their employees be in agreement to random drug testing which are often conducted at anytime throughout their term of employment. This type of drug testing practice claims to promote to drug free working environment but statistics reveal that the proportion of employees who use illegal drugs at work are extremely small. In fact studies also demonstrate that nearly all drugs consumed by employees during company time are consumed at company functions and gatherings. This makes random drug testing unfair, unjust, including hypocritical to a certain extent. However routine random employee drug testing is considered, they’re still intrusive, often having a test subject closely observed by someone conducting the drug test. Just imagine going to the bathroom and having a stranger stand over you when you utilize the facilities.

The main aim of random employee drug testing is to supposedly eradicate the consumption of illegal drugs while at work nevertheless in all fairness most employees avoid the use of drugs around the job but may consume drug during their off time. Although it can happen, it is also rare that an employee comes into work under the influence of drugs understanding this type of behavior could lead to dismissal. This is just one explanation why employee drug tests should just be considered whenever there is a probable cause for suspicion of use at the workplace. Everyone is allowed to have a personal life outside the workplace and if that lifestyle does not affect their job performance or possibly the safety of others on the job, that personal lifestyle should remain private.

There are frequent occasions where drugs are indirectly consumed unintentionally simply by staying in the company of others using them. One common drug that is definitely often utilized in social settings is marijuana. Often present in nightclubs, parties, as well as other social gatherings, marijuana or THC can enter the body indirectly by second hand smoke released in the air of the immediate area being occupied. If enough marijuana smoke is inhaled this may lead to a positive test result for THC even though the test subject may have not even knew the trace elements where in their system. Of course this may not be accepted as a possible excuse for marijuana existing in an employee’s system nonetheless the truth remains that incidents of this nature can and quite often do happen.

The controversy as to whether or not random employee drug testing is fair is certainly one that can go on for some time in spite of the blatant disregard for individual privacy in addition to the existence of certain flaws in random drug testing procedures. On the job safety must always remain a principal concern for employers but not at the expense of humiliating good employees. This is the reason why most users have resorted to countermeasures for passing drug tests to keep their alternative lifestyles private especially with these uncertain times where securing and holding down an occupation is already increasingly difficult because of a slow economy. Passing random drug tests are not difficult anymore and the methods used certainly will work when done right. [ Detox Program] [ Detox Drinks]